
"I just want to say thanks for hosting this incredibly insightful call. I’ve learned a lot today, and I think the world would greatly benefit from having more amazing women like yourselves in leadership roles. It’s such a pleasure to work with you all, and I consider you all my mentors"

"FrontWomen is a great space for LGBTQIA+ members of our community as well. I have received a lot of benefit from being a part of this initiative and it has made me a better employer and employee. 'Lean In' was an especially resonant read for me on multiple levels! "

"I really love this group and appreciate the work. I always get so much out of the discussions. As someone who's been on the receiving end of some gendered biases recently, I'm wondering how I can safely reach out to my fellow FrontWomen on how to address it. I think I could gain a lot from the support of the group. "

"It was awesome to see how excited the community is to have a resource group like this one. Everyone seems passionate about supporting one another and making any real changes we can."

"I was overwhelmed by the vulnerability and honesty of participants and overall passion for this topic. That is what you need to impact change."

"This was an incredible forum to start looking at how we can create a bigger space for the women in our Community. This is an area that we can grow, and I am excited that we are holding this space."

"We have a fierce legion of females, and non-female allies, who want to see a shift and evolution from leadership and management to curriculum and resources to more wholly uplift all of the women within our community."